If you own multiple accounts on different sites, then don't just save them to a text file on your computer that is readable by anybody or write them to a paper than can be easily lost. But use "got password 1.6" which is a simple program that will provide you with all the basic features that you need, such as the abillity of putting only one master password to protect the storage of not only your passwords but also their usernames and website addresses as well. All your password are encrypted and saved in a password file that you can take with you from a computer to another but it wont be accessible without proving the valid master password. You can specify a category for each entry you add to the program. The program has a system tray icon which can be called by one click in order to launch the main program's windows or show some new interesting features such as a search window where you can search to get a list of matched accounts. The program has a built-in random password generator with several adjustable options to provide hard-to-break passwords and It also has a graphical meter that measure the degree of difficulty for your password.